Respiratory Surge in Children

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I am a GP

I want to revise RSV in the context of the recent surge, differentiating the child presenting with respiratory symptoms and how to maximise my interactions with the patients and parents

Primary resources:

Duration: 41 minutes

  • RSV surge background & PHE: PCCS Bronchiolitis Webinar 1.1

    Dr James Fraser. RSV surge background - PHE modelling & the possible implications for paediatric services in the UK. This session was delivered as part of the main PCCS webinar 1.

    • Community Paediatric Nurse
    • Health Visitor
    • GP/Community Medical Staff
    • A&E Nurse
    • Adult Ward Staff Nurse
    • NICU Nurse
    • Paediatric Ward Nurse
    • Medical Staff
    • Paediatric Level 2 Nurse
    • PICU Nurse
    • Adult ICU Nurse
    Date added
    Estimated duration
    7 min
  • Public Health England (PHE) Guidance: RSV Symptoms, transmission, prevention, treatment, updated Sept 2021

    An overview from Public Health England giving brief information regarding RSV symptoms, transmission, prevention and treatment. There are links to access the most recent respiratory reports from PHE.

    • Community Paediatric Nurse
    • Health Visitor
    • GP/Community Medical Staff
    • A&E Nurse
    • Adult Ward Staff Nurse
    • NICU Nurse
    • Paediatric Ward Nurse
    • Medical Staff
    • Paediatric Level 2 Nurse
    • PICU Nurse
    • Adult ICU Nurse
    • Physiotherapist
    • Dietitian/SALT
    • Pharmacy
    • Medical Scientist
    Date added
    Estimated duration
    8 min
  • Paediatric assessment in the primary care setting. Dr Anne Ingram, Paediatric Consultant

    A video looking at how to complete a top to toe assessment of a child in a primary care setting

    • Community Paediatric Nurse
    • Health Visitor
    • GP/Community Medical Staff
    • Medical Staff
    Date added
    Estimated duration
    11 min
  • Clips of Abnormal respiratory signs in Children and infants (Healthier Together)

    A variety of clips showing grunting, recession, croup, head bobbing, abdominal breathing and a quick guide to counting respirations in a child and baby.

    • Community Paediatric Nurse
    • Health Visitor
    • GP/Community Medical Staff
    • A&E Nurse
    • Adult Ward Staff Nurse
    • NICU Nurse
    • Paediatric Ward Nurse
    • Medical Staff
    • Paediatric Level 2 Nurse
    • PICU Nurse
    • Adult ICU Nurse
    • Physiotherapist
    • Dietitian/SALT
    • Pharmacy
    • Medical Scientist
    Date added
    Estimated duration
    10 min
  • 10 Thinks: A Message From Parents (DFTB)

    Infographic outlining ten key messages from parents and caregivers to their child's treating team. The post highlights the importance of maintaining a strong parent-clinician relationship and including family in all aspects of patient care.

    • Community Paediatric Nurse
    • Health Visitor
    • GP/Community Medical Staff
    • A&E Nurse
    • Adult Ward Staff Nurse
    • NICU Nurse
    • Paediatric Ward Nurse
    • Medical Staff
    • Paediatric Level 2 Nurse
    • PICU Nurse
    • Adult ICU Nurse
    • Physiotherapist
    • Dietitian/SALT
    • Pharmacy
    • Medical Scientist
    Date added
    Estimated duration
    5 min

Extension learning

Duration: 1 hour 1 minute

  • The Deteriorating Child with Complex Needs in the Community - a Physiotherapy Perspective

    Webinar discussing the physiotherapy assessment and treatment of a deteriotating child with complex needs in the community

    • Physiotherapist
    Date added
    Estimated duration
    39 min
  • Lockie: KIDS – Just Little Adults? (ICN)

    A podcast with accompanying slides providing guidance on the timely recognition and management of the sick/critically unwell child; why physiological differences between adults and children demand certain/nuanced practices in their stabilisation; and key differential diagnosis to consider that may masquerade as respiratory disease.

    • Adult Ward Staff Nurse
    • Adult ICU Nurse
    • Pharmacy
    Date added
    Estimated duration
    22 min

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